New Energy Generators in Old Michigan Factories?

Saw this article on in regards to the possibility of using some of the old abandoned factories could be a part of providing alternative energy to help power Michigan homes.  I hope this is something that can move forward.

It seems there is an idea to put wind turbines and solar panels in these brownfield sites:

If all the suitable brownfield sites across the state were built out with solar panels and wind turbines, about half of the homes in Michigan could be powered by the output — 5,100 megawatts.

Think about it…. The state of Michigan which is known for the auto and for high unemployment could be the leader in wind energy.  If this could actually happen the state’s economy would turn around.

The cool part is that Meijer has already applied to have wind turbines on the roof of corporate headquarters to help offset the power consumption.

Also from the article:

Tapping brownfields for energy parks would draw $15 billion invested in wind and solar equipment and could create 17,500 job opportunities in construction and ongoing maintenance.

So here’s for hoping we can push this to completion and become a leader in green energy and green business