Limbaugh Responds to Obama

At a meeting with the GOP leaders the other day, President Obama, states “you can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done.”

Is the new president afraid of the “power” that Limbaugh wields or is he just afraid of someone who critiques what the President does?

I hope the GOP leaders listen to el Rushbo, they haven’t so far and that is why they lost so much ground in the last election.  While Rush’s views don’t always match my own, he does shape a lot of what I view.

See the response from Rush here

2/3 of Americans Without Broadband Don’t Want it

A posting on Slashdot has made me smile.  Apparently a recent report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project indicates:

when we look at the overall reasons why Americans don’t have broadband, availability isn’t the biggest barrier. Neither is price. Those two, combined, only account for one-third of Americans without broadband. Two-thirds simply don’t want it. The bigger issue is a lack of perceived value.”

The funny part is the amount of people on Slashdot who think it is just those that are old (60+) who don’t want high speed Internet.  I would argue against that.

I have friends who don’t have high speed, and in fact I have at least one friend who doesn’t even have an email account.  They don’t want it and don’t need it. Also for a long time the only high speed connection I was at work.  I did everything via dial-up because it was too expensive.  In fact my “high speed” connection is the slowest speed that AT&T DSL provides, because it is the cheapest.

But back to my friends who don’t have high speed.  The reason is they spend more time connecting with real life friends and doing things in the great outdoors, then hooked up to to the Interwebs.  They probably have never heard of Twitter, FriendFeed, or  Only one has a Facebook account and there is no need for the others.

I think people who don’t have a high speed connection are people that either a.  have a job where they don’t sit in front of a computer all day (a farmer, an electrician, a construction worker) or they grew up in families that didn’t value technology as much as mine did.

How many people that read this post, don’t have cable, or satellite?  I know several people.  Does that make them less connected?  Nope, they talk with friends over cell phones, and in person.